Recordings for “Inheritance” experience
December 14th - 17th
Merchant Mermaid… From sea to land.
A 4 Day immersion into the Merchant Mermaid™️! A method for all entrepreneurs, business owners, coaches, marketers, nation builders, community leaders and most of all families in reclaiming Natural Law.
Join us as we take this journey into:
~ Water Origins, Hydrated Entrepreneurship, Sacred Business Systems, Sales, Marketing, Social Media strategies, Embodying Sacred Honor, Reciprocity in Relations, Unlocking the creative within our genius, Business Credit, Taxes, Innerstanding LAW, Knowing Man Made Law and Creators Law/Natural Law, Decolonization from the commercial system, Nationality and our connection to our Land, Restoring authority and standing, The Story of Money and Water, Hydrated Leadership and team building, community cultivation, Equity, Financial Literacy, Generational wealth planning and more!
You will walk away from this immersion with a comprehensive action plan, something we call the “Mermaid Map” for your business, nation, family, and life.